Upcoming immigration legal clinic in Somerville/Clinica legal de inmigración en Somerville

Our Program is partnering with SomerViva and the Somerville Family Learning Collaborative for our next legal clinic, which will be held on Thursday, October 29th from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. Para información en español, haz un clic aquí.

To register for the clinic, email Francia Reyes at freyes@k12.somerville.ma.us or call 617-625-6600 with the following extensions:

Adriana Fernandes (Portuguese) x2123
Irma Flores (Spanish) x2122
Maria Muti (English) x2619
Parashu Ram Phuyal (Nepali) x2622
Jhenny Saint-Surin (Haitian-Creole) x2610

Please note that this is a remote event and all consultations will be conducted by phone.

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